不妊治療/Infertility treatment
The other day, one of my patients visited me.
She started to come here for the infertility treatment. After started the treatment, she got pregnant within few months and she had been coming to the treatment once a week till two days before when she delivered the baby girl.
I was very happy to see the cute little girl on the pictures which she showed me, and so grateful that I could relate to the starting point of this amazing beautiful life.
不妊症の原因は様々ありますが、 1/3 の方は原因不明不妊で悩まされているといいます。検査をしても特定の原因が見つからないというものです。
There are so many causes of infertility, however, 1/3 of the causes is uncertain. In many cases, the cause cannot be identify by the medical check ups.
Even in those cases, acupuncture and oriental medicine can support to create the good circulation of energy and blood, then balance out the hormones and reduce stress. As a result, it can support the energy of the body and helps to recover the body by itself.
Also, depends on the each person, the treatments are different according to the body types and constitutions.
Same as western medicine, the acupuncture treatment cannot guarantee the 100 percent of pregnancy, however, there are so many people are feeling the effect of it and also many of them are getting pregnant.
If you are struggling to find the treatment methods which you can feel comfortable or stressed out by having infertility treatments, why don't you try to get the acupuncture treatments for a change?
It is also effective for the IVF treatment, so please let me know if you are interested.
My friend gave me... Thank you! Rieko!