脳と油 - Brain and Oil


Did you realise how important it is to consume good quality oil??? 


About 60% of the brains weight (except water) is fat. The membrane of all the neurones in the brain largely consist of fatty acids, these fatty acids are made using the fat we take from our food. Therefore, if you use or consume bad oil, the communication between neurones can be harmed, which can significantly impact your brains functionality, including memory, learning, attention etc. 


We often hear about the bad influence of trans fat, but you also have to be careful with old oil or other oils made by GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). 


There are many theories, but here are some examples of good oils.....

− オリーブ油:善玉コレステロール値をあげ、悪玉コレステロール値を下げる - Olive oil

− フィッシュオイル:Omega 3脂肪酸、DHA, EPA等を含む - Fish oil

− バター:ビタミンA,E, CLA等を含む。- Butter

− 放牧された動物から採る油 - Fat from grass fed animals   ... 


According to this, it seems like I may not have been taking enough good quality oil.... I would love to change it! 

This is an interesting article related to this blog: http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/mind/articles/intelligenceandmemory/omega_three.shtml