吸い玉(カッピング)の効果 /Effect of cupping treatment


How are you doing these days? Are you getting used to the colder weather?


Btw, some of you surely enjoyed the Olympics this summer, but did you notice the big circle bruises on the olympic athletes, which looked like they'd been sucked by a huge octopus? Check out Michael Phelps!



That is called "cupping" and it is a very common treatment method in Chinese medicine... we create a vacuum in the cup, put it on the skin and leave it for a while... this often creates the red purple marks on the back, especially people who have bad circulations will have darker marks and it depends on the person's health conditions and so on.


Although I just said it is Chinese medicine, my Serbian friend told me that she was getting cupping treatment from her grand mother when she was a child. (Although cups were wooden) It was very interesting to know that cupping treatment was wide spread around Eastern Europe as well, but I thought it has to do with the amazing effect of the cupping treatment. 


Then, what is this treatment effective for?


- Get rid of the waste product of the body: DETOX! : by increasing the blood flow, stagnated blood in the body moves then the waste product goes out from the body smoothly. It helps to make the blood clean. Because of this effect, you can expect the beauty effect such as getting a clear skin and moisten eyes. Also, by detoxing, you can boost your immune system and you will not get as tired!


- Helps to releve pain: In Chinese medicine theory " Where you have stagnation, pain occurs". By improving the blood and energy flow, it helps to remove the joint pain, muscle pain, nerve pain and so on.


- Improves the muscle strength: Muscle can be nourished by the better blood flow, and you can gain the stronger body!


- Improves the functions of internal organs: Because of the stimulation of cupping, digestive systems and others can be activated and possible to expect the ease of digestion and constipation. 


- Release stresses: you can relax by this method and release the tension of muscles, it is effective to release stresses.


There are so many effects can be expected by this cupping method!


However, if you are not comfortable with the marks of the cupping, please let me know. I can offer the sliding cupping method which is more like massage and relaxing, also does not leave the  clear bruise on your back. I usually use Weleda oil or 100% jojoba oil for this treatment so you can be comfortable even if you have sensitive skin. 


At my clinic, many of the treatment courses can include this cupping method for no extra charge, so please let me know if you are interested. Also, for the people who are not comfortable with acupuncture, there is a detox cupping treatment menu, so please try it out!


There are so many people who are catching a cold lately! So please be careful and keep yourself warm!

All the best and see you! x












素敵な帽子屋さん、 Suguri Salonさんで行われた講習会。。お店の雰囲気もとても可愛く、おしゃれ!私はあまり帽子を被らないのですが、目移りしてしまいました。帽子の似合う素敵な女性になりたい、そんな風に思わせてくれるお店です。








【春のスペシャルWS】『恋という名の化粧水』『愛という名のBeauty Cream』



日時 4月3日(sun) 13:00〜16:00
場所 moss*atelier 東京都港区内
費用 6000yen デザートつき


• ティンクチャーって何?
• 使用するハーブのおはなし

• ハーブティンクチャーを使った恋という名の化粧水作り

『愛という名のBeauty Cream』

日時 4月17日(sun) 13:00〜16:00
場所 moss*atelier 東京都港区内
費用 6000yen  デザートつき


• 天然の素材、使用する精油について

• オーガニックビューティークリーム作り


moss* web site : moss-moss.com


人との関わり / Relationships with Others


How are you everyone? I hope you are doing well!  Today, I would like to write about the email from my friend. (He is happy to share his life story and the quote from the email.)


I have known him for over 10 years when I was still working at the company. Although he was not living in Japan, it was not everyday that I could see him but we became very good friends soon after we met. He was coming to Japan frequently and whenever he comes, he made British black jokes to make me laugh. Even after I changed my career and started to do acupuncture, we are getting in touch and meeting up whenever he came to Japan.


One day, I heard a very bad news that he got a cancer, did many operations and still in the process of recovery. To be honest I did not know what to say to him but I really do care for him so wrote a letter.  He told me he was very happy that I spent time to write the long letter and he told me about his insight of the relationship with other people. Below is the quote from his email.

"最近みたテッドトークで、寿命を縮める最大の原因は孤独だということを言っていた - 何十年もタバコを吸うよりも有害だって。イギリスでは、60歳以上の三人に一人が一週間に一度も他の人と会話しない、また十人に一人が1ヶ月人との接触が全くないらしい。

"I recently heard a TED talk which cited the biggest killer - greater than a lifetime of smoking - is loneliness. In the UK, one in every three people over 60 - does not speak to anyone else for a week. One in ten people have no human contact with anyone for a month.


This shows how our society is disintegrating. When I was small, I lived with my parents and grandparents in the same house - three generations under one roof, but something that is now very much a thing of the past...."


My friend realised again how important the family and the friendship with others after he got ill.


I often think that emotions and body are well connected more than we think they are.


Many of you are having stressful lives and you need someone to talk to.  However, some people are scared to be criticised or don't want to be in the rumours, so unconsciously you hold your words and  the stress effects your health of your body.


Some of you may cry for no reasons, not be able to sleep, loosing appetite...


There are introvert and extrovert, but any kind of people need to have opportunities to be listened.


There are many people who are coming here do not want to talk their problems to the people they know. When they tell me their problems, sometimes I say my opinions but most of the time they find their solutions by themselves and realise they just needed someone to talk to. 


You can talk to family, friends and also the person like me, who does not relate to your personal life. Anyone is good as long as you can feel safe and comfortable. If you have unclear thoughts, anxiety or emotional up and down, I think it is very important to create the time to talk to someone even if you are super busy with your daily life. This kind of simple thing could be the best medicine for you sometimes. 


I will try to write about the mental health for few times from now on, so please read them when you have time!

Thank you!

不妊治療/Infertility treatment


 The other day, one of my patients visited me.


She started to come here for the infertility treatment. After started the treatment, she got pregnant within few months and she had been coming to the treatment once a week till two days before when she delivered the baby girl.


 I was very happy to see the cute little girl on the pictures which she showed me, and so grateful that I could relate to the starting point of this amazing beautiful life. 

不妊症の原因は様々ありますが、 1/3 の方は原因不明不妊で悩まされているといいます。検査をしても特定の原因が見つからないというものです。

 There are so many causes of infertility, however, 1/3 of the causes is uncertain. In many cases, the cause cannot be identify by the medical check ups.


 Even in those cases, acupuncture and oriental medicine can support to create the good circulation of energy and blood, then balance out the hormones and reduce stress. As a result, it can support the energy of the body and helps to recover the body by itself.


Also, depends on the each person, the treatments are different according to the body types and constitutions.


Same as western medicine, the acupuncture treatment cannot guarantee the 100 percent of pregnancy, however, there are so many people are feeling the effect of it and also many of them are getting pregnant.


If you are struggling to find the treatment methods which you can feel comfortable or stressed out by having infertility treatments, why don't you try to get the acupuncture treatments for a change?


 It is also effective for the IVF treatment, so please let me know if you are interested. 

My friend gave me... Thank you! Rieko!

My friend gave me... Thank you! Rieko!


三日坊主 - Just try for 3 days


These days, I feel that it is a very difficult challenge to change my habits. People often say, "just try for 3 weeks, then it becomes a habit." But thinking about doing something which I am not used to more than 3 weeks is very stressful for me! Even if I do, sometimes it does not stay as my habit somehow...


Since I was a child, I easily get bored and was always trying to find the easier ways. So I understand the difficultly which everyone has!


So what I would like to suggest to do is, "Mikka Bozu" (Just try for 3 days)!


You think you have to continue forever, so you cannot even start the new things because it is stressful. So I decided not to expect much and just try for 3 days, that makes me feel better about starting new things and easier to get into. It can be longer than 3 weeks or 1 year if I like it, but even if I stop within few days, I just think, do that again just for 3 days! If you do that many times, it can be a habit. If you do not like it much, you can try other things for 3 days and see how you feel about it.


Some people may think I am spoiling myself... maybe yes. But I think doing something positive for 3 days is much better than not doing anything. If you try something and if it suits you, you may find it very interesting and fascinating and may even change your life! If you do not expect anything from yourself, you do not have the pressure so might continue the thing happily.


Why don't you just try for 3 days??? 


1日一回は空を見上げてみるなどの小さな一歩でもいいとおもうんです...  It is ok to be a very small step, such as looking up at the sky once everyday! That might change your mood and energy level... 

1日一回は空を見上げてみるなどの小さな一歩でもいいとおもうんです...  It is ok to be a very small step, such as looking up at the sky once everyday! That might change your mood and energy level... 

甘草 - Liquorice


These days, many people are not feeling well with the weather change. Some people complain that they got sore throat and cough, and it seems like quite common symptoms for this season.


Here, I could like to recommend one of my favourite Chinese herb, Gan Cao (liquorice root)! I often use this at the clinic for tea if the patient is having sore throat since it is very effective for that! 


Gan Cao has the effects of anti-inflammatory, stop coughing and poison antidote effects. It also helps the digestive system so very gentle to your body. It tastes sweet so very easy to use. (It has an effect to raise the blood pressure so you have to be careful if you have a high blood pressure!)


I usually buy liquorice root to make tea. I boil it with water, use for gargle or drinking. Please try it since it has an amazing effect right away!!!


CLAYD- クレイド


Have you ever heard of "CLAYD"? It is made by Kae-san, who is an amazing woman with the passion for making this society healthier!


In short, "CLAYD" is bath clay, but it has effects on many symptoms… such as skin problems (dry, allergy, acne and so on),  pain, getting rid of heavy metal of the body, improve the circulation of blood etc. You can even drink it if you want to detox on the heavy metal of the body as well! Also can make facial pack and patches for pain etc. It is a natural product so it is good for babies, 


When I used the product, the colour of the water changed and became darker! CLAYD has the effect to absorb the body wastes and heavy metal, so that the colour changed...


Very nice packages and good for presents as well!


I will try the clay pack and also for the drink next time...



Have a nice golden week! I will be off from 5/2(Sat)-5/5(Tue)!

頭痛 - Headache








美容について - About beauty


The weather has been so wonderful recently hasn't it!? But these days, I started to notice that my skin is getting dry and I've got the bags under my eyes etc. I think some of you may have noticed the same? 


I just found the article which says that women are more into the expensive cosmetics or beauty facial rather than the internal care.


BUT, please think about it. When you build a house, if the foundation is not good, even if you designed the beautiful exterior, in the long run, it would have problems and make you uncomfortable, at the end the exterior would get ruined as well.


Human is the same. I think if you do not take enough sleep, good food, do some exercise and exercise, maybe your external beauty treatment would not be effective. If you are sick, you cannot even care about beauty anyway!


There are a lot of women who have issues with unbalanced hormones, depression, lower immune system and so on. 


Here, I do the facial rejuvenation acupuncture not only for the face, but also for the body, and treat the whole body after the consultation to make the person balanced and healthier.


Then, if you solve the stress, mental problems, balance hormones, improve the skin and detox your body, the effect of beauty treatment last longer.  


Why don't we think about the internal beauty for external??

免疫力 -How to boost your immune system??



  • Don’t smoke. / タバコは吸わない

  • Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in saturated fat. / 果物、野菜、玄米などの精白していない穀物類を多く食べ、飽和脂肪は控える

  • Exercise regularly. / 定期的な運動をする

  • Maintain a healthy weight. / 健康的な体重を保つ

  • Control your blood pressure. / 血圧をコントロールする

  • If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation. / アルコール摂取は程々に

  • Get adequate sleep. / 睡眠時間を確保する

  • Take steps to avoid infection, such as washing your hands (gargle) frequently and cooking meats thoroughly. / 手洗い(うがい)をきちんとし、肉にしっかり火を通したりと予防をする

  • Get regular medical screening tests for people in your age group and risk category. / 年齢等のリスクカテゴリーに応じて、定期的な健康診断を受ける






  • ぬるま湯にレモン果汁と塩を溶いてうがいする
  • お湯に生のショウガを切ったもの数枚と蜂蜜を入れて飲む
  • 喉が痛くなったら、甘草のタブレット/ティンクチャーを使う
  • 首周りをスカーフなどで守る
  • 髪を洗ったらすぐに乾かす
  • お風呂にゆっくり入る
  • 寒くなったら靴下の2枚履き... 等



脳と油 - Brain and Oil


Did you realise how important it is to consume good quality oil??? 


About 60% of the brains weight (except water) is fat. The membrane of all the neurones in the brain largely consist of fatty acids, these fatty acids are made using the fat we take from our food. Therefore, if you use or consume bad oil, the communication between neurones can be harmed, which can significantly impact your brains functionality, including memory, learning, attention etc. 


We often hear about the bad influence of trans fat, but you also have to be careful with old oil or other oils made by GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). 


There are many theories, but here are some examples of good oils.....

− オリーブ油:善玉コレステロール値をあげ、悪玉コレステロール値を下げる - Olive oil

− フィッシュオイル:Omega 3脂肪酸、DHA, EPA等を含む - Fish oil

− バター:ビタミンA,E, CLA等を含む。- Butter

− 放牧された動物から採る油 - Fat from grass fed animals   ... 


According to this, it seems like I may not have been taking enough good quality oil.... I would love to change it! 

This is an interesting article related to this blog: http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/mind/articles/intelligenceandmemory/omega_three.shtml

初めてのブログー First blog ever!


