吸い玉(カッピング)の効果 /Effect of cupping treatment


How are you doing these days? Are you getting used to the colder weather?


Btw, some of you surely enjoyed the Olympics this summer, but did you notice the big circle bruises on the olympic athletes, which looked like they'd been sucked by a huge octopus? Check out Michael Phelps!



That is called "cupping" and it is a very common treatment method in Chinese medicine... we create a vacuum in the cup, put it on the skin and leave it for a while... this often creates the red purple marks on the back, especially people who have bad circulations will have darker marks and it depends on the person's health conditions and so on.


Although I just said it is Chinese medicine, my Serbian friend told me that she was getting cupping treatment from her grand mother when she was a child. (Although cups were wooden) It was very interesting to know that cupping treatment was wide spread around Eastern Europe as well, but I thought it has to do with the amazing effect of the cupping treatment. 


Then, what is this treatment effective for?


- Get rid of the waste product of the body: DETOX! : by increasing the blood flow, stagnated blood in the body moves then the waste product goes out from the body smoothly. It helps to make the blood clean. Because of this effect, you can expect the beauty effect such as getting a clear skin and moisten eyes. Also, by detoxing, you can boost your immune system and you will not get as tired!


- Helps to releve pain: In Chinese medicine theory " Where you have stagnation, pain occurs". By improving the blood and energy flow, it helps to remove the joint pain, muscle pain, nerve pain and so on.


- Improves the muscle strength: Muscle can be nourished by the better blood flow, and you can gain the stronger body!


- Improves the functions of internal organs: Because of the stimulation of cupping, digestive systems and others can be activated and possible to expect the ease of digestion and constipation. 


- Release stresses: you can relax by this method and release the tension of muscles, it is effective to release stresses.


There are so many effects can be expected by this cupping method!


However, if you are not comfortable with the marks of the cupping, please let me know. I can offer the sliding cupping method which is more like massage and relaxing, also does not leave the  clear bruise on your back. I usually use Weleda oil or 100% jojoba oil for this treatment so you can be comfortable even if you have sensitive skin. 


At my clinic, many of the treatment courses can include this cupping method for no extra charge, so please let me know if you are interested. Also, for the people who are not comfortable with acupuncture, there is a detox cupping treatment menu, so please try it out!


There are so many people who are catching a cold lately! So please be careful and keep yourself warm!

All the best and see you! x
