人との関わり / Relationships with Others


How are you everyone? I hope you are doing well!  Today, I would like to write about the email from my friend. (He is happy to share his life story and the quote from the email.)


I have known him for over 10 years when I was still working at the company. Although he was not living in Japan, it was not everyday that I could see him but we became very good friends soon after we met. He was coming to Japan frequently and whenever he comes, he made British black jokes to make me laugh. Even after I changed my career and started to do acupuncture, we are getting in touch and meeting up whenever he came to Japan.


One day, I heard a very bad news that he got a cancer, did many operations and still in the process of recovery. To be honest I did not know what to say to him but I really do care for him so wrote a letter.  He told me he was very happy that I spent time to write the long letter and he told me about his insight of the relationship with other people. Below is the quote from his email.

"最近みたテッドトークで、寿命を縮める最大の原因は孤独だということを言っていた - 何十年もタバコを吸うよりも有害だって。イギリスでは、60歳以上の三人に一人が一週間に一度も他の人と会話しない、また十人に一人が1ヶ月人との接触が全くないらしい。

"I recently heard a TED talk which cited the biggest killer - greater than a lifetime of smoking - is loneliness. In the UK, one in every three people over 60 - does not speak to anyone else for a week. One in ten people have no human contact with anyone for a month.


This shows how our society is disintegrating. When I was small, I lived with my parents and grandparents in the same house - three generations under one roof, but something that is now very much a thing of the past...."


My friend realised again how important the family and the friendship with others after he got ill.


I often think that emotions and body are well connected more than we think they are.


Many of you are having stressful lives and you need someone to talk to.  However, some people are scared to be criticised or don't want to be in the rumours, so unconsciously you hold your words and  the stress effects your health of your body.


Some of you may cry for no reasons, not be able to sleep, loosing appetite...


There are introvert and extrovert, but any kind of people need to have opportunities to be listened.


There are many people who are coming here do not want to talk their problems to the people they know. When they tell me their problems, sometimes I say my opinions but most of the time they find their solutions by themselves and realise they just needed someone to talk to. 


You can talk to family, friends and also the person like me, who does not relate to your personal life. Anyone is good as long as you can feel safe and comfortable. If you have unclear thoughts, anxiety or emotional up and down, I think it is very important to create the time to talk to someone even if you are super busy with your daily life. This kind of simple thing could be the best medicine for you sometimes. 


I will try to write about the mental health for few times from now on, so please read them when you have time!

Thank you!