甘草 - Liquorice


These days, many people are not feeling well with the weather change. Some people complain that they got sore throat and cough, and it seems like quite common symptoms for this season.


Here, I could like to recommend one of my favourite Chinese herb, Gan Cao (liquorice root)! I often use this at the clinic for tea if the patient is having sore throat since it is very effective for that! 


Gan Cao has the effects of anti-inflammatory, stop coughing and poison antidote effects. It also helps the digestive system so very gentle to your body. It tastes sweet so very easy to use. (It has an effect to raise the blood pressure so you have to be careful if you have a high blood pressure!)


I usually buy liquorice root to make tea. I boil it with water, use for gargle or drinking. Please try it since it has an amazing effect right away!!!
